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First Impressions of the Destiny 2 Beta

Destiny 2 first impressions

Destiny was Bungie’s first foray into the world of FPS games outside of Halo, being released during September of 2014. Though the game has been around for a while, it still hosts a very active player base, with a large amount of users still being active every day according to Destiny Tracker.

With that in mind, there’s been plenty of anticipation for the sequel to Destiny, with Destiny 2 being just around the corner. Its scheduled release date September 6th of 2017, almost three years to the day after the original. Well, for console users at least - PC users will have to wait until October to pick it up.

As with many other AAA games, a beta has been released for Destiny 2, allowing users to get an early look at how the game looks, what the gameplay is like, as well as how it has changed and improved.

So, how is the Destiny 2 beta being received? Here’s a quick look at the general perception of the game so far, and how it fares for Destiny’s sequel.


What’s in the Destiny 2 Beta?

The Destiny 2 beta offers the opening mission of the main story - Homecoming - where you defend against the Cabal, leading to the first interaction with Ghaul, the leader of the Cabal and a key character in the main game.

So far, the Homecoming mission has been very well received considering how it showcases the differences in how Bungie will be handling the storytelling aspect of the game, with wholesale improvements in dialogue and character interaction. This was seen as a bit of a weak point in the original game, so a massive improvement here would be hugely welcomed.

The other game modes include Strike, which is a co-operative mission you’ll undertake with several other people online, with there being a three-tiered boss fight after an almost raid-style build. In this beta, you’re able to play the Inverted Spire strike as many times as you’d like, offering a great way to get to grips with the mechanics of the game. This mode requires teamwork and strategy, while also looking visually spectacular.

There are also two Crucible (more of a standard online PvP) modes: Countdown and Control. The former of these two has been likened to Trials of Osiris, with its clear focus on teamwork and synchronisation. This mode has also been changed somewhat, with lobbies resized to support 4 vs. 4 rather than 6 vs. 6, providing a different dynamic to other FPS games.

What’s the Gameplay Like?

When users have access to an open beta, the actual gameplay is the most important area to look at. We’re able to see precisely how mechanics have changed, how the game feels, and whether or not it’s an improvement from what we’ve seen before.

Gameplay-wise, Destiny 2 has been received very well. Not much has changed in terms of the absolute basics, though everything has essentially been tightened-up and refined, with shooting in particular feeling crisp. This piece covering the beta mentions something key - the things that worked well in the original game haven’t been changed too much, with them looking to address previous issues and improve the ease of which the game can be picked up.

In terms of weaponry, there’s been an interesting change here. They used to be divided into primary, secondary and heavy slots. Now, you get three different slots for kinetic, energy and power. This is seemingly being done in order to create some more diversity in weapon options, though it may well take some adjusting to. Some weapon changes make things more difficult, such as the Sniper being added to the Power slot, meaning that you have less ammo to work with.

Each class also has an extra support ability - Titans can spawn protective walls (not too dissimilar to Orisa’s ability in Overwatch), Warlocks can summon healing domes, while Hunters can use a dodge and reload maneuver.

All in all, there’s a lot to be excited about when it comes to the Destiny 2 beta, and how Destiny 2 itself will be once it’s released next month. Note that it’s a beta, and that there could still be changes yet to be made to the game, with patches also being released early on.

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