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Is Xbox Live Worth it? The Benefits of Xbox Live Gold Membership
Research group SuperData claimed at the end of 2016 that they estimate the Xbox One console has sold over 26 million copies. Though maybe not as prolific as its Playstation counterpart, Xbox consoles are still massively popular, and a staple of many gaming setups all around the world.
The Xbox - both the Xbox One and the Xbox 360 - offers plenty for its users, though in order to really make the most of them and enjoy the full range of features, it’s recommended that you pick up an Xbox Live subscription. Quickly entering a code into your account can provide you with a massive world of options and features, including complete online multiplayer gameplay.
If you need to know more about Xbox Live Gold before making the purchase, this article will have you covered. We’ll look into what benefits you’ll get from a membership, as well as how much it’ll cost.
Are you an Xbox Live Gold member? Would you say it’s worth it? Let us know in the comments below.
What is Xbox Live Gold?
Xbox Live is the service provided by Microsoft for Xbox consoles - Xbox Live Gold is the paid version of the membership, which grants access to online features such as multiplayer gaming, discounts, and even free games every month. A silver/free version is available off the bat, which includes fewer features.
In order to claim an Xbox Live Gold membership, you’ll need to pick up a code which is then entered into the Xbox, instantly granting you complete membership to all provided services.
How Much Is An Xbox Live Membership?
With Xbox Live Gold memberships, they’re available in several different timeframes. You can pick up a membership for either 1, 3, 6, or 12 months, with the price varying depending how long you’re looking to subscribe for. Generally, a month subscription will set you back around £10, with a 12 month subscription being around £40 - £45.
At DigiZani, you can buy the 1 month membership for £9.74, as well as the 12+1 month membership for £42.72.
One of the big benefits of an Xbox Live Gold subscription is the fact that you have access to free games - something which will be further covered later on. In 2016 alone, Xbox Gold users had access to over $900 in free games. Doesn’t sound too bad for £42, does it?
Benefits of Xbox Live Membership
With an Xbox Live Gold membership, you’ll have access to a wide array of benefits and features that you wouldn’t have with a regular membership. You still get to experience plenty without Gold, such as the ability to download apps such as Netflix and Youtube, and chatting with friends - though you’d be missing out on quite a lot of features. These benefits of Xbox Live Gold include:
Online Multiplayer
The staple selling point for memberships - they give you access to online multiplayer, where you can play with others all across the globe. Whether it’s Rocket League with a few friends, or a massive game of Gears of War - Xbox Live Gold is essential when it comes to making the most of online multiplayer.
Free Games
With Xbox Live Gold, you’ll have access to Games With Gold - each month, you’ll be able to pick up several different games completely free of charge, with them just being a download away.
In April, games such as Assassins Creed Revalations were available, and the Games For Gold package for the month of May 2017 has already been announced via Major Nelson. This month, you can get games such as Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, with a total value of over $70.
Exclusive Discounts
On top of Games With Gold, an Xbox Live Gold membership will give you access to various discounts and deals via Deals With Gold, with discounts available for both full games and various DLC.
Home Gold
Another cool feature of Xbox Live Gold is Home Gold - this allows other users within the home to use the features that come with Xbox Live Gold, meaning that they don’t have to hop on your gamertag to enjoy them. Particularly helpful if your little sibling fancies a go at Overwatch, and you don’t want them to tank your Competitive ranking. They can also access their own profiles, including gamerscore and recordings.
Is Xbox Live Gold Worth It?
If you want to get full value out of your Xbox One, then yes - Xbox Live Gold is absolutely worth it. The ability to play online is incentive enough, though the discounts and free games are a great addition each month. Regarding the latter, they tend to tally up to £50+ in value each month, with one month of membership being available for under £10.
Check out DigiZani’s full range of Xbox Live memberships if you’re interested in getting started.